Tuesday, July 17, 2007


A new group arrived at this wonderful mission of San Lucas Toliman. One of the volunteers said, ¨Hey you guys have a blog on San Lucas, right?¨ We were a little surprised, but of course, said ¨Yes¨ She said that the blog really helped calm some of the anxiety about coming to the mission.

If you go to one of the mission´s websites, you can see our family info there along with our family San Lucas blogspot

www.sanlucasmission.com and from there click on the link to ¨mission life¨and you´ll find us and others, too.

Although we are having a total blast keeping friends and family current on our activities here in Guatemala, it was so nice to hear that the blog actually helped someone!

We´ll keep posting to keep our family & friends up-to-date on our family Guatemala mission experience.

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