Saturday, August 04, 2007

Human Land Movers

Here we joined a group from Minnesota at an area in Pococ, near the Centro de Mujer (Women's Center). The chore was to clear all of the rocks off the hill and then to move all the dirt as well. The hill needed to be flattened to make a soccer field for the kids to play while the mothers learn skills in the women's center. One new skill to be learned is to can fruit. Currently the women do not can or preserve. The wonderful fruit that they have only has a 15 day shelf life and then must be wasted. Once the canning skill is learned, the families will be able to eat the fruit in jam's and preserves throughout the year.

OK, the rock will not move, what do we do?
Sean decides to loosen the ground under the rock.
How about making a trench?
That is a lot of Boulders.
Now that many of the rocks are down, they will be hammered into smaller rocks to be used for cement. No machines, the only tools are sledge hammers, picks, small hammers and chisels.

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